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Displaying 61 to 70 of 1152

  • Willem Middelkoop: Resurgence of Gold in the World’s Monetary System

    Gold is gaining prominence in the global monetary system, says Willem Middlekoop, founder of Dutch-based Commodity Discover Fund, in a January 2024 Bullion World article. Calling gold’s rise “an unobtrusive yet profound shift”, Middlelkoop believes the change in gold’s status in the monetary system is due to several recent developments.

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  • We Are Gonna Need Oil?

    SBTV spoke with Steve St. Angelo from the SRSrocco Report about the "peak oil myth" topic that's making the rounds. Steve is an expert in energy and the precious metals space and ties together how oil, energy, the economy, and precious metals meet.

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  • Understanding Exter's Pyramid and Gold's Pivotal Role in Global Finance

    In global finance, few concepts have captured money flow quite like Exter's Pyramid. Created by John Exter, this pyramid illustrates the hierarchy and vulnerability of different asset classes in times of financial distress, and emphasizing gold's timeless significance in a world brimming with digital and ephemeral assets.

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  • Where the Rubber Meets the Road

    SBTV spoke with The Market Sniper Francis Hunt about where the rubber meets the road. These are the things you want to know and what affects you the most spilling over from 2023 to 2024.

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  • Surging Solar Panel Installations are Draining Global Silver Reserves

    As 2023 comes to an end, it has become clear that Photovoltaic growth is much stronger than anticipated and will become a game changer for silver.

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  • Why Singapore’s Debt is Often Misunderstood

    Singapore is increasingly misrepresented as being highly indebted. However, Singapore's gross debt is not the result of accumulated deficits but represents a transfer of funds to Singapore's Sovereign Wealth Funds.

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  • Updates to our Terms of Service

    On 1 January 2024, our Terms of Service will be updated to clarify our terms and ensure that they remain transparent for you, as well as to cover new Silver Bullion services and features.

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  • What's Going On With Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, and Rhodium? Part 1

    SBTV spoke with The Market Sniper Francis Hunt about what's going on with gold, silver, platinum, palladium, & rhodium & the price volatility we're seeing.

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  • Switzerland vs. Singapore

    Switzerland and Singapore are two of the leading global destinations when it comes to storing wealth. Gregor Gregersen CEO and founder of Silver Bullion discusses the characteristics of each country and why the wealthy call these global destinations home. Is there a winner?

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  • Price Match Policy

    We strive to offer the best possible pricing for select bullion products marked with the Lowest Price Badge.

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