Displaying 1191 to 1200 of 1201
12 Nov 2013
U.S. TREASURY: Ramps Up the Zimbabwe Style Printing Press
It looks like the U.S. Treasury is learning a few tricks from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe as it ramps up its printing press. (Read more) -
30 Sep 2013
THE FED QE MACHINE: Inflationary Valuations for Gold & Silver
The global financial system is floating on a sea of worthless paper assets. Unfortunately, the majority of people still haven’t figured out that the end of this fiat monetary system is close at hand. (Read more) -
06 Aug 2013
The uneconomic return of Scrap Precious Metals and Hyperinflation
All durable commodities will be recycled, but precious metals can and will still act as stores of wealth and be made into collateral for final payment due their relative scarcity. (Read more) -
01 Aug 2013
Fed keeps asset purchases, downgrades U.S. growth to `modest`, sees dis-inflation risk
The Federal Reserve decided it will maintain its monthly purchases of $85 billion and said that the persistent low rate of inflation could negatively affect the U.S. economy’s expansion. (Read more) -
19 Apr 2011
Lessons from the past - The German Hyperinflation
The argument can be made that the German experience is not relevant for the US. Germany after all was the loser in major war and was severely punished in terms of reparations and territorial concessions by the victors. But there just might be some relevance especially when we are evaluating QE2, the expansive US budget deficit and today’s inflationary international monetary system... (Read more) -
04 Jan 2010 founder John Williams explains the risk of hyperinflation. - Jan 2010
Williams says, over the last several decades, the feds have been infusing their data with optimistic biases to make the economy seem far rosier than it really is. His site reruns the numbers using the original methodology. What he found was not good. (Read more)