Displaying 1141 to 1150 of 1202
12 Aug 2014
2014 Official Coin Sales: Silver The Big Winner
According to the most recent data put out by the Official Government Mints, silver coin sales are outpacing gold in a big way. Even though some of the Official Mints silver coins sales are down somewhat compared to the same period last year, gold sales are down more than three times the rate. (Read more) -
07 Aug 2014
Silver Pyramid Power
Global annual silver production is approximately 820,000,000 ounces or a bit more than 25,000 metric tons. What does that mean in terms that we can more easily understand? (Read more) -
06 Aug 2014
GOLD MINING INDUSTRY: Fuel Costs Explode Over The Past Decade
The gold mining industry literally devours energy to produce an ounce of gold. In the past decade, fuel consumption at the top gold miners more than doubled, but the actual energy cost grew at a much higher rate. (Read more) -
02 Aug 2014
Chinese Silver Inventories Nearly 90% Depleted At Shanghai Futures Exchange
Chinese silver inventories grow increasingly tight as stocks at the Shanghai Futures Exchange continue to fall to record low levels. It is truly amazing to watch how much silver inventories declined at the Shanghai Futures Exchange since March of 2013. (Read more) -
30 Jul 2014
This is a video on the coming silver shortage by Crush The, the same folks who run Future Money Trends. (Read more) -
24 Jul 2014
INDIAN SILVER IMPORTS: Near Record At A Quarter Of Global Mine Supply
It looks like at least one country is still taking advantage of the extremely low paper price of silver. From information just released, India continues to import a near record amount of silver in 2014. (Read more) -
24 Jul 2014
Bet Like George Soros and Cash in on a Silver Rally
There are growing signs that now is the time for investors to take the plunge and make a bet on silver. Already the top end of town is making some big bets on silver with Wall Street investment managers and institutional investors leading the charge. (Read more) -
08 Jul 2014
Drinkable Book With Silver-Imbedded Pages Brings Water to Those in Need
In its monthly industry release, The Silver Institute reported once again new applications of silver in products across several industries, in particular health. (Read more) -
04 Jul 2014
Shanghai Silver Stocks Fall To Lowest Level On Record
Something interesting is taking place on the Shanghai Futures Exchange as silver warehouse stocks fell to their lowest level on record. In March of 2013, the Shanghai Futures Exchange held 1,143 metric tons of silver in its warehouses. (Read more) -
03 Jul 2014
Death Of The Dollar - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 3- Mike Maloney
You may have heard stories on the news lately that suggest an international move away from the US Dollar is underway...but have you ever seen these events listed on a timeline? Join Mike Maloney in Singapore as he states his case for why he expects the world to have a new monetary system in this decade. (Read more)