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  • The Run On U.S. Gold Continues.

    So where is China getting all of its gold? One of the large sources turns out to be the United States. The U.S. experienced another record year of net gold exports in 2013. Not only were gold exports at record levels, imports into the U.S. fell nearly half compared to 2010. (Read more)
  • Silver Production From Top 6 Companies Declined In 2013

    Even though 2013 was a great year for physical precious metal demand due to manipulated lower paper prices, the top silver mining companies suffered a decline in overall production compared to 2012 (Read more)
  • Silver Eagle Sales Steal The Show While Top Silver Miners Lose Money.

    In an interesting irony, investors are purchasing record amounts Silver Eagles while the top primary silver miners continue to lose money. Not only did investors purchase the most Silver Eagles in the month of February compared to previous years, the silver/gold ratio is off the charts. (Read more)
  • Silver Will Be The King Precious Metal Performer.

    While gold is the king monetary metal, silver will turn out to be the king precious metal performer. Currently, gold is stealing the show as the East (China) continues to consume more than total world gold production. (Read more)
  • U.S. MINT UDPATE: Silver Eagles Nearly Sell Out In Two Days

    The U.S. Mint updated its sales figures today… and it was another whopper. Yesterday, the U.S. Mint sold 825,500 Silver Eagles which was about two-thirds of the weekly allocation. (Read more)
  • Market Continues To Purchase “All” Allocated Silver Eagles From U.S. Mint.

    As sales of Gold Eagles remain subdued, the market continues to purchase every available Silver Eagle from the U.S. Mint. Since the beginning of the year, the U.S. Mint has sold its Silver Eagles on a weekly allocated basis. (Read more)
  • Watch As Precious Metals & Energy Prices Go Crazy As Things Fall Apart.

    As Wall Street and the financial media carry on business as usual, the underlying foundation of the U.S. economy continues to disintegrate. Very few Americans realize we have past the point of no return. This holds true for many of the precious metals investors. (Read more)
  • THE COMING SILVER STORM: The Public Is Not Prepared.

    The financial sky is growing dark. The stock markets are experiencing volatile trade winds. The barometer of the economy grows weak as indicators point to another recession looming on the horizon. (Read more)
  • What They Did To Silver

    This brings us to Paul Volcker, who chaired the Federal Reserve System in D.C. (August 1979 to August 1987) during which time he shafted gold and silver investors and miners by such low blows including telling U.S. banks to not lend for “speculative” gold and silver buying; and arranging a “bailout” loan for the Hunts in the wake of their crippling margin calls by spring 1980. (Read more)