Posted by Francis Koh on 04 Jul 2014

Shanghai Silver Stocks Fall To Lowest Level On Record

If we take a look at the chart below, we can see that after the precious metal take-down on April 12th, 2013… silver stocks continued to be drained from the Shanghai Futures Exchange.

Shanghai Silver Stocks 2013   Shanghai Future Exchange Silver Stocks April 2014.jpg new  Shanghai Silver Stocks June-July 2014 NEW


In just seven months, total silver inventories declined from a peak of 1,143 metric tons to 391 (mt) metric tons in November that year.  Even though silver stocks continued to decline in 2014… withdrawals were small.

Then from April 18th to April 25th withdrawals picked up once again.  Here we can see that in just one week, silver stocks at the Shanghai Futures Exchange declined from 331 mt to 258 mt.  For the past two months, the silver warehouse levels remained virtually flat with small additions and reductions.

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