Posted by Francis Koh on 10 Jun 2015

MUST SEE CHART: Major Bank Fraud Adds Up To A Lot Of Silver

The most recent settlement by the criminal bankers was a cool $5.6 billion for rigging the foreign currency markets for their own financial benefit.  The banks responsible for this sort of illicit behavior comes from the list of typical seedy characters; Citigroup, JP Morgan, Barclays, RBS and UBS.  You can read all about it in the Wall Street Journal article.

Even though $5.6 billion is a hefty figure, when we add up the total fines and settlements paid by the Banking Industry since 2009… it’s a serious amount of fiat currency.  How Much?  Well, if we look at the chart below, it should offer a pretty good picture:

Total Bank Fraud Settlements 2009-2014  Total Global Silver Value 2009-2014  Bank Fraud Settlement vs Global Silver Value

According to a recent article by the Huffingtion Post, the major U.S. and European Banks have paid at least $128 billion in fines and settlements to regulators since 2009.  As we can see, Bank of America gets the first place prize for paying a staggering $61.2 billion in fines, while JP Morgan ranks second at $31.5 billion and Citigroup taking a comfortable third, forking over $10.1 billion.

Scanning across the rest of the chart, we can see the additional fine upstanding banks that participated in criminal activity and their subsequent fines.  Of course, Americans like to brag that the United States is best country in the world to live, so it’s comforting to know that four of the five top corrupt banks (in amount of fines and settlements) in the world are located in the good ole US of A.